
TEST TEST TEST - Admins can still publish posts
Information and policy for UConn employees about winter weather can be found here:
UCONN HEALTH (WEATHER ONLY): Call 860-679-2001 or visit for more information.


Calling 911

In case of emergency, call 911. Provide the location of the emergency, your location, your name, incident details and follow instructions.

Emergency Communications

Know What to Do

Access the UConn Emergency Hazard Guide to learn how to prepare for and respond to different types of emergencies.

Emergency Hazard Guide Website


During emergency and initial response operations, there may be a delay in messages and updates on this site after the initial UConnALERT is distributed. This is due to incoming information from the field being processed and communicated. As emergencies evolve rapidly, it is of the greatest importance to provide the most accurate and timely information to the UConn community. Check back on this site and refresh your device's browser frequently.

Get Alerts:


Information from the Student Administration System is auto-enrolled into UConnALERT. Please ensure your personal information is up-to- date.

Faculty & Staff

All official UConn email addresses are auto-enrolled into the system. UConn Staff/Faculty must enroll additional information to receive alerts. Register for UConnALERT today by visiting the Faculty & Staff Registration Page.